100 EGP
100 EGP – 120 EGP
150 EGP
An excellent choice for an office without windows is the Cast iron plant. This robust plant is known for its ability to withstand difficult conditions and […]
2,000 EGP
Properties: It was called the bougainvillea al-Shamasi because it was bred in the form of an umbrella on one leg and its length reaches 5 meters. […]
1,200 EGP
Properties: A medium-sized tree, with long, pointed leaves, a light green color, and a green stem. And its trunk stores water in order to survive in […]
210 EGP
features : It is a fast-growing climbing plant, and what distinguishes it is the change in the shape of the leaves with the change of age […]
210 EGP
features : The croton is classified as a shade plant and is widely used in gardens and large spaces It can be used as a single […]
42 EGP
Features It is a perennial herb native to Central and South America. Irrigation The plant needs to be watered continuously and the irrigation method is required. […]
1,650 EGP
Properties: The acacia tree is a relatively small flowering tree. The flowers are of a very bright yellow color, and the leaves are compound green in […]
120 EGP
Features Also known as night-blooming jessamine, night-blooming cestrum, and raatrani, This plant is a fast growing slender shrub. Leaves are thin, simple leathery. The long tubular bell-shaped green flowers of […]
1,440 EGP
features : The chamidoria palm tree is also called the parlor or salon palm tree, because the best suitable place for it is the living room […]
100 EGP – 130 EGP
features It is considered one of the ornamental plants that are classified as shade plants. It is often used as a climbing plant It is considered […]