Delonix Regia
16/09/2024Haworthia Attenuata
16/09/2024Caring for wicker furniture
To ensure the durability and beauty of your wicker furniture, you must follow some simple instructions to care for it:
- Regular cleaning: It is preferable to clean wicker furniture regularly using a soft brush, warm water, and mild soap. You should avoid using strong chemicals that may damage the material.
- Protection from weather factors: It is recommended to place the jerid furniture in a place protected from harsh weather factors, such as direct rain or strong sunlight. Protective covers can be used when not in use.
- Repainting: jerid furniture can be repainted with a layer of protective paint or varnish to maintain its aesthetic appearance and protect it from damage.
- Winter storage: It is preferable to store jerid furniture in a dry place during harsh winters to maintain its quality and durability.