When the soil dries to a depth of 2.5 cm on
The lowest of the surface, and that is the watering of the plant once a week in
the warmer months, and once every two weeks in the cooler months
The potus plant needs a balanced NPK fertilizer with a ratio of (20-20-20) or (10-10-10),
and the ratio indicates the amount of nitrogen elements.
, phosphorus, and potassium, for example, in a 1 kg package of fertilizer,
the proportion of each of the three elements is 10% of the original weight,
which is equivalent to 100 g of the total for each of the three elements
Pothos needs bright, indirect light
In the summer and in the winter it can be exposed to direct sunlight in the morning
Keeping potus plants at a temperature range
Between 18 and 30 degrees Celsius, knowing that this plant tolerates a drop in
temperature up to 10 degrees Celsius
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